Tipton Statement on Sally Jewell's Visit to Craig

DURANGO, CO—Today, Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) issued the following statement on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell’s visit to Craig, CO as she weighs potential endangered species listings for the Greater Sage Grouse and Gunnison Sage Grouse.

DURANGO, CO—Today, Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) issued the following statement on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell’s visit to Craig, CO as she weighs potential endangered species listings for the Greater Sage Grouse and Gunnison Sage Grouse.

“Secretary Jewell’s visit to Craig today is welcome, and I am hopeful that she will truly take into consideration all of the work being done in Colorado to preserve the sage grouse, and will work with state and local conservation efforts by providing long-awaited measurable expectations for species recovery so that we can ensure those goals are being met at the local level.

“We have heard testimony during committee hearings from Colorado officials andbiologists stating that the most effective way to preserve the sage grouse is through preservation efforts like those already occurring at the state and local levels, not through a one-size-fits-all federal endangered species listing. The success of the efforts underway to preserve the sage grouse stems from locally-tailored plans that take into account the unique topography and ecology of the region in order to best preserve the species that call it home.

“States, tribes and local communities that are succeeding in species preservation should be allowed to continue without federal interference.  Such is the case with the Greater Sage Grouse and the Gunnison Sage Grouse in the 3rd District. The proposed endangered species listings for the Gunnison Sage Grouse and Greater Sage Grouse would impact millions of acres in Colorado and hinder existing conservation efforts. They would put private lands off limits to most use and development, including agriculture production and grazing, without providing any compensation. These listings would kill jobs, devastate communities, and disrupt effective species preservation efforts currently underway. They won’t, however, more effectively preserve the grouse.

“As Secretary Jewell makes a decision, I am hopeful that she takes all of this into consideration, continues to learn more about the effective work being done throughout our state to preserve the species, and ultimately defers to those local efforts already underway. To that end, I also renew my invitation for Secretary Jewell to come to Southwest, CO as well to see firsthand the work being done there to preserve the Gunnison Sage Grouse.”

Tipton and Sens. Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Mark Udall (D-CO), last year, sent Jewell an open invitation to visit Colorado to learn more about Gunnison Sage Grouse preservation efforts. Read more here.

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