Scalise: New Keystone revelations lift the veil on a shocking reality in the Obama White House

Metairie, La. – Congressman Steve Scalise today released the following statement after new reports suggest that senior policy officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working closely with environmental groups to kill the Keystone XL pipeline.
Metairie, La. – Congressman Steve Scalise today released the following statement after new reports suggest that senior policy officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are working closely with environmental groups to kill the Keystone XL pipeline.
"While President Obama focuses on dividing the country and trying to distract people from the failures of Obamacare, new evidence confirms that his EPA has been conspiring with radical environmental extremists to kill the Keystone XL Pipeline, and the tens of thousands of good American jobs that go with it,” Scalise said.  “For more than five years, the Keystone XL Pipeline application has sat on President Obama's desk awaiting his signature, yet he has chosen to side with radical extremists over American jobs and energy security.  These new revelations lift the veil on a shocking reality in the Obama White House, where divisive rhetoric trumps decisive action to create a healthy economy and real opportunities for hard-working taxpayers.  It's time for President Obama to end the divisive speeches and take action to create 20,000 jobs by approving the Keystone pipeline today.
"Recently, President Obama pointed out that he had a pen and was ready to use it.  It's time for him to use that pen to green light the Keystone Pipeline rather than letting China get those jobs before it's too late."

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