Nunes: Reps. McCarthy, Nunes, Valadao, Costa Urge Continued Provision of Rescheduled Water

Congressmen Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, David Valadao, and Jim Costa released the following joint statement in reaction to reports that the Bureau of Reclamation may refuse to provide rescheduled water for farmers from California’s San Joaquin Valley:

Congressmen Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, David Valadao, and Jim Costa released the following joint statement in reaction to reports that the Bureau of Reclamation may refuse to provide rescheduled water for farmers from California’s San Joaquin Valley:

“Through various conservation techniques and careful planning, many Central Valley farmers have minimized their water usage with the understanding that they can carry over unused water to future years. In many cases, they’ve taken out loans and done their entire crop planning based on this assumption. If the Bureau of Reclamation were to refuse to provide rescheduled water, these responsible farmers would be devastated.’

“In the midst of a severe drought created by the government itself, this action would be like throwing gasoline on a fire. To withhold by government fiat hundreds of thousands of acre feet of water that these growers had already paid for, without compensation to those affected, would be an injustice that is impossible to ignore. If the Bureau takes this unprecedented action, which smacks of an attempt to manufacture a crisis, we would call for a full investigation, including requests to see all internal communications of the officials responsible for making this decision.”


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