Amodei: Comprehensive Northern Nevada lands package passes Natural Resources Committee

Amodei took issue with comments made by Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) and some of his colleagues during today’s markup, which seemed to be informed by an outside environmental special interest rather than consideration for the facts.

A historic package of Northern Nevada lands bills – six introduced by Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-2) and one by Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-4) -- today passed the House Natural Resources Committee 29 to 14 with bipartisan support. The Northern Nevada Land Conservation and Economic Development Act will benefit communities across the region.

“I want to thank Chairman Hastings and Rep. Horsford for their efforts to move the ball forward on what is as comprehensive a package of Nevada lands legislation as has ever been advanced,” said Amodei. “This is a key victory for Nevada’s fight for self-determination and the ability of our middle class to earn a living.”

Amodei took issue with comments made by Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4) and some of his colleagues during today’s markup, which seemed to be informed by an outside environmental special interest rather than consideration for the facts.

“That this legislation features 71,500 acres of wilderness versus 23,154 acres of economic development is a major compromise for a House majority that has been characterized as obstructionist by some,” said Amodei. “I find it incredible that outside groups with no on-the-ground knowledge of these measures and some members of the minority from other states would choose to ignore the spirit of compromise and presume to tell Nevadans what to do with Nevada’s land. Some of the language the minority took issue with has been included in similar measures they have supported that passed the committee or even the House Floor. With this successful vote behind us, I now look forward to an informed discussion to bring the legislation to the House floor for a vote.”

The Northern Nevada Land Conservation and Economic Development Act includes the following measures:

H.R. 433, the Pine Forest Range Recreation Enhancement Act

H.R. 696, the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act

H.R. 1167, the Restoring Storey County Act

H.R. 1168, the Carlin Economic Self-Determination Act

H.R. 1169, the Naval Air Station Fallon Housing and Safety Development Act

H.R. 1170, the Fernley Economic Self-Determination Act

H.R. 2455, the Elko Motocross and Tribal Conveyance Act

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