Daines North Fork Bill Approved by House Natural Resources Committee Without Opposition

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Steve Daines’ North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013, bipartisan and locally driven legislation to protect the North Fork watershed, today was approved without opposition by the House Natural Resources Committee, clearing the way for a full vote by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Congressman Steve Daines’ North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013, bipartisan and locally driven legislation to protect the North Fork watershed, today was approved without opposition by the House Natural Resources Committee, clearing the way for a full vote by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Today’s historic vote marks the first time in decades that a fully unified Montana delegation has successfully moved forward significant public lands legislation with bipartisan and bicameral cooperation.

“The North Fork Watershed Protection Act is an important bill to Montana,” Daines stated during this morning’s mark-up. “The North Fork is widely treasured as a precious corner of our state, a place where we harvest timber, we hunt and fish, and lead trips into the adjacent Glacier National Park. The local community wants to continue using this watershed of the river to benefit their local economy—which is largely outdoor recreation based.”

Daines noted that it is fitting that this bill was passed by the House Natural Resources Committee at the same time that the confirmation hearing for Senator Max Baucus was taking place. Baucus has been a key voice in the drive to protect the North Fork Watershed.

“This area is so special that our Senior Senator Max Baucus has been working since his first year in office to protect it,” Daines noted. “It is fitting that we are considering this bill today while the Senate holds his confirmation hearing to be a U.S. ambassador. I am proud to do everything I can to help this bill become law. This is the first time in 30 years the Montana delegation has supported lands legislation in a bipartisan, bicameral, unanimous way. I think Washington could take some pointers from how we work in Montana.”

H.R. 2259, the North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013, is comparable to legislation previously introduced by Montana Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester and seeks to protect the North Fork Watershed of the Flathead River by restricting new mineral development from occurring within an area along North Fork.

The importance of the bipartisan nature of this legislation was echoed by Michael Jamison, Glacier Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association, who today applauded Daines’ efforts to protect the North Fork.

“Americans from across the political spectrum recognize Glacier National Park as one of our nation’s most magnificent crown jewels, and for generations they’ve worked together as stewards of this remarkable treasure. When Rep. Daines joined his Senate counterparts in support of the North Fork Watershed Protection Act he reaffirmed Montana’s century-long commitment, and provided proof that places such as Glacier provide a common touchstone for us all,” Jamison stated. “This legislation enjoys broad and bipartisan support across the state, costs taxpayers nothing, protects the engines driving our region’s economy, and honors all private property. It transcends both partisan lines and international borders, and with the enduring support of Montana’s entire Congressional delegation we are confident it will be Glacier Park’s next great success story. ”

Widespread Support for Daines’ Efforts to Protect the North Fork

The Wilderness Society: “TWS enthusiastically supports H.R. 2259 and sincerely thanks Congressman Daines for his dedication to protecting his nationally important watershed next to Glacier National Park and in the heart of the nationally significant Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. We equally thank the Congressman and Montana’s two Senators for their combined leadership and effective coordination on this important matter. We urge swift passage of the North Fork Flathead Watershed Protection Act as it will serve Montana and the nation well for decades to come.”

Richard Jeo, State Director for the Nature Conservancy in Montana: “At a time when so many issues seem to divide upon partisan lines, the North Fork Watershed Protection Act is a shining example of bipartisan cooperation to ensure clean water for many generations to come. We applaud the bipartisan supporters of this legislation for recognizing the importance of preserving the clean water and opportunities for recreation that the North Fork provides, not simply today, but as a legacy we are leaving to the generations to come. We also thank Congressman Daines for sponsoring this legislation, and we look forward to working with him on other common sense conservation solutions down the road.”

Montana Outdoor Alliance: “Many of our members and supporters know the North Fork Flathead watershed first hand, and we appreciate your efforts to protect this treasured landscape. The Flathead is one of Montana’s few Wild and Scenic Rivers and an important resource for the human powered outdoor recreation community. Any development, especially mineral, ought to take other values of the landscape into consideration. H.R. 2259 achieves this end, effectively limiting development and providing the watershed with the protection it deserves. Furthermore, we recognize and support your bill’s provision to preserve recreation access.”

Keith Olson, Executive Director of the Montana Logging Association: “Introduction of H.R. 2259 shows Congressman Daines is committed to pursuing solutions supported by a diverse coalition of local leaders of the Flathead Valley and also ensures forest management activities in the Valley are not inhibited by his bill. His support for H.R.2259 lends a helpful boost to protecting the North Fork of the Flathead Valley. I applaud his commitment to forest stewardship and his advocacy for responsible resource management.”

Kerry White, executive board member of Citizens for Balanced Use: “We are very happy Congressman Daines introduced H.R. 2259 which protects other historic uses of the Flathead Valley for generations to come. The watershed of the North Fork of the Flathead River is a special place many Montanans and others enjoy fishing, hiking, and other recreational uses. These uses of the land are important economic drivers for the local community.”


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