Daines: Farm Bill Passage is Good News For Montana

“Today’s long-overdue passage of a five-year Farm Bill is good news for Montana,” Daines stated. “Agriculture is not only an important part of Montana’s economy—it’s a critical industry that impacts each and every American. While not perfect, Montanans have been waiting far too long for Congress to pass a five-year Farm Bill, and I’m glad that the House and Senate have been able to reach agreement on this critical legislation. I am hopeful that the Senate and President will act quickly and get this bill signed into law so that we can provide Montana’s producers and rural communities with the certainty they deserve.”

Representative Steve Daines applauded today’s long-overdue passage of a five-year Farm Bill, noting that the bill’s approval is “good news for Montana.”

Today’s House approval of the bill clears the way for full Senate consideration and for the President to sign the bill into law.

“Today’s long-overdue passage of a five-year Farm Bill is good news for Montana,” Daines stated. “Agriculture is not only an important part of Montana’s economy—it’s a critical industry that impacts each and every American. While not perfect, Montanans have been waiting far too long for Congress to pass a five-year Farm Bill, and I’m glad that the House and Senate have been able to reach agreement on this critical legislation. I am hopeful that the Senate and President will act quickly and get this bill signed into law so that we can provide Montana’s producers and rural communities with the certainty they deserve.”

Daines’ efforts to move forward a five-year Farm Bill were applauded this morning by Montana ag groups.

“The Montana Farm Bureau and its members are encouraged with the House passage of the 2014 Farm Bill earlier today and we appreciate Congressman Daines’ efforts in getting us to this point,” stated Montana Farm Bureau President Bob Hanson. “While it has been a long process, this bill is critical in ensuring that farmers and ranchers across Montana have certainty in preparing for the upcoming planting season. The Farm Bureau urges both the Senate and President to act quickly to get this legislation signed into law as soon as possible.”

“It’s been a long road and a lot of work to hash out the details of this new farm bill and we’re very pleased to have Steve’s support in getting it passed through the House,” added Montana Grain Growers Association Executive Vice President Lola Raska. “This bill is a responsible bill, helping to lower our nation’s debt while at the same time providing Montana grain producers with a safety net that will kick in when mother nature or the market threatens their livelihoods. We applaud the House passage of this bill and eagerly anticipate the president’s signature so we can move to implementation of the new programs offered in this bill.”

The Farm Bill contains important reforms to help reduce the deficit, grow the nation’s economy, and provide certainty to the one in five Montanans and the 16 million Americans whose jobs depend on agriculture.

Daines noted that the final Farm Bill also strengthens the nation’s commitment to support farmers and ranchers affected by natural disasters or significant economic losses, and renews a national commitment to protect land, water, and other natural resources.

The Farm Bill also extends critical payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILT) funding for FY 2014, which helps Montana counties and local governments fund essential services such as education, law enforcement, search and rescue, health care, firefighting, and parks and recreation.


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