Jones Takes Action to Preserve Original Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Foundation Stones

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) continued his efforts to preserve the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse original foundation stones, which are engraved with the names of each past keeper of the lighthouse and dates of their service. In December, Congressman Jones expressed concern to the National Park Service (NPS) that the stones, left in place after the lighthouse itself was moved further inland to prevent it from being damaged, were not being properly maintained.

This week, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) continued his efforts to preserve the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse original foundation stones, which are engraved with the names of each past keeper of the lighthouse and dates of their service.  In December, Congressman Jones expressed concern to the National Park Service (NPS) that the stones, left in place after the lighthouse itself was moved further inland to prevent it from being damaged, were not being properly maintained.  In light of the response he received from NPS, Congressman Jones has asked Cape Hatteras National Seashore Superintendent Barclay Trimble to meet with the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society and the Hatteras Island Genealogical and Preservation Society to discuss the best manner in which the three organizations can work together to preserve the stones moving forward. 

“It is critical that we preserve the foundation stones of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, as they represent an important piece of Eastern North Carolina’s heritage,” said Congressman Jones.  “I am committed to working with the National Park Service and all other relevant organizations to ensure that this piece of our history is preserved for future generations.”

Links to the full text of the three letters are below.

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