Congressman Young Comments on Shell's 2014 Arctic Exploration Decision

Washington, D.C. – Alaskan Congressman Don Young today issued this statement following Royal Dutch Shell’s announcement halting exploration activities off the coast of Alaska in the Chukchi Sea for 2014:

Alaskan Congressman Don Young today issued this statement following Royal Dutch Shell’s announcement halting exploration activities off the coast of Alaska in the Chukchi Sea for 2014:

“Following the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling earlier this month, I knew it would be difficult for Shell to continue their plans for exploration activities this summer,” said Congressman Don Young. “That type of uncertainty and lack of assurance is detrimental to any industry, let alone one that requires such a costly and significant undertaking as off-shore development in the Arctic.”

“It goes without saying; this decision is unfortunate for Alaska and future domestic energy production,” said Congressman Young. “This President and his Administration continue to provide us with lip service on their dedication to off-shore development. If they are truly dedicated to development in the region, they must devise a clear plan for production and defend it at all costs, including moving quickly to address all issues with the environmental assessment left in question by the courts. If they are not committed to development in the Arctic, they need to be honest with their leaseholders who have already invested billions of dollars seeking the opportunity to drill. Right now, they’re looking to have it both ways.”

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