Neugebauer Makes Recommendations for Much-Needed ESA Reform

WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), a member of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Congressional Working Group, released the following statement after a press conference today presenting the Working Group’s final report and recommendations. The ESA Working Group has been charged with finding ways to boost the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act of 1988

Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), a member of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Congressional Working Group, released the following statement after a press conference today presenting the Working Group’s final report and recommendations.  The ESA Working Group has been charged with finding ways to boost the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act of 1988. 

“After months of research, dialogue, and outreach on this challenging issue, I’m pleased that we’ve come up with a number of useful recommendations to make the Endangered Species Act more effective. 

“It’s clear that ESA in its current form is simply not working.  In forty years, it has only successfully recovered and removed two percent of its targeted species.  We can do better.

“Together we have identified four key areas in need of reform.  We’ve made recommendations to improve transparency, refocus efforts on species recovery and delisting, reform litigation and settlement practices, and empower states and local landowners to take the lead in conservation efforts.

“I’m particularly proud to see recognition of Texas’ state-level efforts in protecting the Lesser Prairie Chicken.  It makes sense to allow states – which have the knowledge, skills, and experience to manage species and habit – to take the lead in protecting our wildlife.  By working together to truly conserve species like the Lesser Prairie Chicken, states should be able to prevent listings under ESA.

“We’ve made real headway working together on this complex issue, and I’m hopeful that this report lays the groundwork to return to federalist, state-led approach to recovering endangered species.  I look forward to working on legislation to reform ESA based on the ideas outlined in this report.””

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