Cramer: House Safeguards Hunting and Fishing Activities From Undue Regulation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced the House of Representatives passed a bill he cosponsored including key protections for hunting and fishing activities. The Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act would remove federal roadblocks preventing recreation on public lands and prevent future hurdles from being created.

Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced the House of Representatives passed a bill he cosponsored including key protections for hunting and fishing activities. The Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act would remove federal roadblocks preventing recreation on public lands and prevent future hurdles from being created.

“North Dakotans are highly active on our public lands as stewards and sportsmen, and are wary of a federal government often disinterested in protecting their right to these recreation opportunities. This bill pushes federal policy toward the right balance of conservation and recreation, helping ensure future generations will be able to enjoy the bounty of nature,” said Cramer.

The bill would protect hunting, fishing, and shooting activities from arbitrary closings of public lands by the federal government by implementing an “open until closed” management policy while still allowing the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to make justified closures for national security or public safety reasons. It would also create a Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council Advisory Committee for the purpose of expanding recreation opportunities, make more funds available to states for the maintenance and creation of shooting ranges, and protect fishing tackle and ammunition from being subject to a ban on lead or any other unnecessary EPA regulation under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The legislation is supported by recreation and conservation organizations including Ducks Unlimited, the National Rifle Association, Pheasants Forever, and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

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