Congressman Lamborn Speaks Out Against EPA Overregulation

WASHINGTON D.C. - On Wednesday, February 6th, Congressman Doug Lamborn spoke on the House Floor regarding EPA regulatory practices.

On Wednesday, February 6th, Congressman Doug Lamborn spoke on the House Floor regarding EPA regulatory practices.

To view the Congressman's remarks, please click HERE

"Mr. Speaker, I hear from Coloradans everyday who are struggling just to make ends meet.  Unemployment remains high and Americans are striving to provide necessities for their families.  Prices at the pump have doubled since President Obama took office, and according to the Energy Information Administration, they are on a trajectory to rise much higher. 

Sadly, as American families and small businesses continue to suffer from these high energy prices, the Obama administration’s response has been to impose job-killing and expensive rules through the Environmental Protection Agency and other Agencies that pass on these expenses to the American consumers. These policies, such as attempting to regulate greenhouse gas emissions through the Clean Air Act and setting unachievable standards for industrial power plants only end up hurting consumers.

As the Chairman of the Natural Resources subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources and a proponent for business-focused regulation, I have been vocal against many of these harmful regulations. The EPA’s continued power grab ends up taking legislative authority out of the hands of those that are sent to Washington to represent you and puts it in the hands of appointed bureaucrats carrying out the agenda and policies of the White House. I have cosponsored numerous bills to repeal some of these regulations piece by piece to ensure America’s affordable energy.

Coloradoans and the rest of the country should not have to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families. I remain fully committed to doing what I can to stop this bureaucratic overreach. We need to ensure affordable energy for Americans by cutting red tape and reducing regulations. The alternatives will force consumers towards energy sources that are not market viable."  

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