Mullin Appointed to House Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) announced his appointment to the House Natural Resources Committee’s Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee.

Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) announced his appointment to the House Natural Resources Committee’s Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee.

“The energy sector is critical for Oklahoma and our state is home to four energy companies on the Fortune 500 list,” said Mullin.  “The energy sector also provides many good jobs for our state. In fact, one in every six jobs in Oklahoma is either directly or indirectly supported by the oil and natural gas industry. So serving on this subcommittee will only benefit our state and the Second District.”

The switch in subcommittees means Mullin will no longer serve on the Subcommittee on Water and Power.

“The Second District will benefit from my work on this committee,” Mullin said. “Our district has both mining and energy production. Also, part of the southern leg of the Keystone XL Pipeline runs through our district.”

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