Chairman Schweikert Applauds EPA Extension of Comment for Carbon Pollution Standard Rules

Washington D.C.—Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), Chairman for the Subcommittee on Environment in the House, Science, Space, and Technology Committee released a statement supporting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extension of comment period for Carbon Pollution Standard Rules:

Washington D.C., February 26, 2014—Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), Chairman for the Subcommittee on Environment in the House, Science, Space, and Technology Committee released a statement supporting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extension of comment period for Carbon Pollution Standard Rules:

“I am happy to see the EPA has responded with respect toward the very industries their regulations will affect,” said Chairman Schweikert.

“Extending the comment period shows me the EPA is considering more thoroughly the implications this rule has on not only our coal and natural gas industries, but also the manufacturing and construction behind these energy-intensive industries.”

In January, over seventy house members signed a letter requesting EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to extend the comment period for the EPA’s rule titled ‘Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for New Stationary Sources: Electirc Utility Generating Units.” In the letter, members probed the agency to consider the long and short term affects of this bill on energy affordability, job creation, and economic growth of energy producing communities and to extend the current comment period by sixty days.

The full letter can be read here.

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