Congressman Duncan statement on permitting for Seismic Testing in the Atlantic

Washington, D.C. - Today, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released its Programmatic Environment Impact Statement (PEIS) on Atlantic Geological and Geophysical Activities. This long-overdue report has been tied up for nearly five years by bureaucratic delays but is imperative in allowing seismic testing in the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), a practice used to research oil and gas below the earth’s surface and a crucial step for offshore energy exploration. Congressman Duncan had this to say:

 Today, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released its Programmatic Environment Impact Statement (PEIS) on Atlantic Geological and Geophysical Activities. This long-overdue report has been tied up for nearly five years by bureaucratic delays but is imperative in allowing seismic testing in the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), a practice used to research oil and gas below the earth’s surface and a crucial step for offshore energy exploration. Congressman Duncan had this to say:

“After nearly five years of bureaucratic delays, I’m optimistic that BOEM’s findings will clear the way for seismic testing, a vital step towards making energy production off the South Carolina coast a reality.”

“The impacts of developing these resources are too great to ignore, with recent studiespredicting offshore energy production could create over 35,500 jobs in South Carolina, add $2.7 billion in annual economic activity and a potential state revenue of total of $3.7 billion by 2035. Energy production in South Carolina will not only help create jobs and lower energy and fuel costs for consumers, but also provides a means to improve our state’s roads and infrastructure through billions of dollars in potential new non-tax revenue.”

“Offshore energy exploration in the Atlantic has received bipartisan support both in Congress and in state capitals. I will continue to work with the Department of the Interior and Secretary Jewell to move this process forward. I also look forward to working with Members on both sides of the aisle to pave the way for good-paying, energy jobs for South Carolina and an all-of-the-above energy policy for the nation.”

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