President Continues Western Land Grab

WASHINGTON D.C. - Below is an attachment to the 2010 Bureau of Land Management Treasured Landscapes Plan, a secret memo naming possible monument designations by the Obama administration. The list includes millions of acres of Western lands that Department of the Interior intends to seize. Yesterday, President Obama announced he will be using the controversial Antiquities Act to create a new national monument in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peak area of southern New Mexico—a land grab encompassing one-fifth of Dona Ana County. The Organ Mountains-Desert Peak area of Southern New Mexico is on page 13 of this list. The President is going down the list, and sealing off vast swaths of the West on behalf of his special interest allies, who view our states as their personal playground.

Below is an attachment to the 2010 Bureau of Land Management Treasured Landscapes Plan, a secret memo naming possible monument designations by the Obama administration.  The list includes millions of acres of Western lands that Department of the Interior intends to seize. Yesterday, President Obama announced he will be using the controversial Antiquities Act to create a new national monument in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peak area of southern New Mexico—a land grab encompassing one-fifth of Dona Ana County.  The Organ Mountains-Desert Peak area of Southern New Mexico is on page 13 of this list. The President is going down the list, and sealing off vast swaths of the West on behalf of his special interest allies, who view our states as their personal playground.

Western Caucus Co-Chairman Steve Pearce (NM-02) said in an audio interview that the President vowed to follow through with this half million acre land grab in the State of the Union.  This is the latest example of the President bypassing Congress and the American people to push his special interest agenda.

BLM Treasured Landscapes Plan

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