Energy & Commerce: Promoting New Manufacturing Act = Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jobs and the economy. These are the main focus of House Republicans, and they continue to be top concerns among Americans. And with an underperforming economy that actually shrunk in the first quarter of 2014, it’s now more important than ever to concentrate on an agenda to boost the economy and create jobs. On Tuesday, June 10, the Energy and Commerce Committee will vote on H.R. 4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act, a bill introduced by Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) that will improve the permitting process for new U.S. factories and expansions - providing the foundation for private investments in good-paying jobs.

Jobs and the economy. These are the main focus of House Republicans, and they continue to be top concerns among Americans. And with an underperforming economy that actually shrunk in the first quarter of 2014, it’s now more important than ever to concentrate on an agenda to boost the economy and create jobs. On Tuesday, June 10, the Energy and Commerce Committee will vote on H.R. 4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act, a bill introduced by Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) that will improve the permitting process for new U.S. factories and expansions - providing the foundation for private investments in good-paying jobs.

While the president talks about new manufacturing projects, cutting red tape, and timely permitting, Congress is actually taking action. The Promoting New Manufacturing Act addresses preconstruction permits required under the Clean Air Act, and provides for measures to reduce delays, ensure timely guidance for permitting, and promote more transparent and efficient processing of permits.

America’s energy renaissance is the envy of the world, but we cannot take full advantage of our resources without the ability to obtain necessary permits for modern new facilities and infrastructure. This is why the committee is focused on building the Architecture of Abundance to create an environment where factories and other energy-intensive projects can be built and maintained without onerous federal regulations hampering these vital developments.

When the government gets out of the way, the private sector thrives. Jobs are created and the economy is boosted. The Promoting New Manufacturing Act brings much-needed reforms to the process, facilitates new manufacturing projects and allows American consumers to realize the benefits of our emerging energy development, which is all welcome news for one thing: Jobs.

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