Rep. Noem Introduces Legislation to Combat Proposed Climate Rule Alongside 67 Members of Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Representative Kristi Noem joined 67 Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle last night in introducing H.R. 4813. The bill would legislatively combat the administration’s proposed climate rule that is expected to dramatically increase electricity costs nationwide.

U.S. Representative Kristi Noem joined 67 Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle last night in introducing H.R. 4813.  The bill would legislatively combat the administration’s proposed climate rule that is expected to dramatically increase electricity costs nationwide.

“If your family is anything like mine, it’s a constant struggle to find new ways to decrease the electricity bill,” said Rep. Noem.  “Now, the administration is looking to hike electricity prices across the country. We all share the responsibility of taking care of the environment, but our fragile economy and our monthly electricity bills shouldn’t have to take such a hit in the process.  We must find a better approach – one that is as economically sustainable as it is environmentally sustainable.”

H.R. 4813 will terminate the administration’s current proposal.  It will also prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing a substantially similar rule for five years.  Finally, should the EPA feel it necessary to issue a similar rule, that rule would be subject to the approval of Congress.

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