Congressional Western Caucus Urges the President to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, D.C. (January 23, 2013) –Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman announced Tuesday his approval of the rerouted Keystone XL oil pipeline path through Nebraska, leaving the final verdict on the construction of this pipeline up to President Obama. Members of the Congressional Western Caucus released the following statements urging President Obama to approve this project:

Washington, D.C. (January 23, 2013) –Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman announced Tuesday his approval of the rerouted Keystone XL oil pipeline path through Nebraska, leaving the final verdict on the construction of this pipeline up to President Obama. Members of the Congressional Western Caucus released the following statements urging President Obama to approve this project:
“The Keystone XL Pipeline represents over 20,000 real American jobs and sends nearly $600 million directly to state and local governments,” said Chairman Steve Pearce. “The construction of this pipeline would also provide a significant, stable supply of oil to power our nation, helping us achieve our goal of American energy independence. The President has the opportunity to get the middle class back to work on a project that will help grow our economy and reduce our dependence on Middle-Eastern oil. It’s time for President Obama to stop dragging his feet on this project that is so vital to America’s energy security, and approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.”

“I am pleased Governor Heineman approved the Keystone XL pipeline based on the report which showed minimal environmental impact while having a substantial economic benefit to Nebraska and the rest of the country,”added Congressman Lee Terry (NE-2). “ Now that this last hurdle has been removed, the State Department and the President must now act without delay and approve the construction of the northern portion of Keystone XL.  Too many Americans have waited long enough and want to get back to work.  It is in our national interest.”  

“The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline doesn’t just signify another step toward North American energy independence. It means more good-paying Montana jobs that will help strengthen and grow our state’s economy,”Congressman Steve Daines (MT) stated. “Nebraska Governor Heineman’s announcement is welcome news, but it’s not the final step.  It’s time for President Obama to act and approve this job-creating project without any further delay.”

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