Western Caucus Members Spearhead Passage of Amendments to Combat Chronic Wasting Disease

Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05) released statements in response to House adoption of Amendment #106 and #140 combating the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).

Today, Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05) released statements in response to House adoption of Amendment #106 and #140 combating the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).

Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04): “Today’s passage of two amendments to provide more resources to Combat Chronic Wasting Disease is a huge win for sportsmen throughout the country. CWD is killing off deer, elk and moose populations and is a serious threat. These amendments provide important resources for research and for states to help combat this deadly disease.”

Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05): “Chronic Wasting Disease is a serious threat to our deer and other cervid populations. Hunters like me and those who love the outdoors are rightfully concerned. We need to study the cause of this disease and how to stop the spread so that we can save wildlife. I’m pleased to see that support for this study received broad bipartisan support, and hopefully we’ll get answers to these questions very soon.”


Today, the House of Representatives passed two amendments spearheaded by Western Caucus Members to combat CWD.

CWD is a 100% fatal contagious neurological disease in populations of deer, elk and moose. CWD is rapidly spreading across the United States, with 26 states reporting confirmed cases of CWD so far. 

To date, funding to help curtail the spread of the disease in wild deer has been insufficient. These two amendments will help address that problem.

Amendment #106 sponsored by Rep. Marc Veasey (TX-33) and cosponsored by Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05), and Rep. Ron Kind (WI-03),  redirected resources in the bill to increase funding by $12 million for APHIS to be distributed to states for the purposes of combating CWD.

Amendment #140 sponsored by Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and cosponsored by Rep. Ralph Abraham (LA-05) redirected resources in the bill to increase funding by $1.72 million for CWD research.

These amendments were supported by: Archery Trade Association, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, National Deer Alliance, National Wildlife Federation, Quality Deer Management Association, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, and Wildlife Management Institute.

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