President Trump Signs Executive Order to Modernize Water Management and Infrastructure

Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after President Trump signed an Executive Order on modernizing America's water resource management and water infrastructure. 

“Water is a necessity for life and nowhere is that truer than in the West. Water infrastructure powers our homes, ensure farmers have water to irrigate their crops, and ensure our communities of enough to drink. This Executive Order ensures that the expertise is in place to bring our water infrastructure into the 21st century by eliminating duplication amongst agencies, creating a national water strategy, and job training for a modern water workforce. I thank President Trump for putting Water infrastructure at the forefront of his agenda,” said Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04).

“Today’s action by the Trump Administration to modernize water resource management further demonstrates its commitment to putting the needs of America’s ranchers, farmers, and families first. For too long the regulatory process for constructing new water infrastructure projects has been a bureaucratic maze including different federal, state, and local agencies. Reducing burdensome red tape will mean greater access to clean water for communities across Wyoming which will lead to more economic growth and jobs in our state,” said Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (WY-AL).   

“One of my highest priorities since coming to Congress has been strengthening and modernizing the federal water infrastructure that makes our way of life possible in Central Washington and across the West. The establishment of the Water Subcabinet by President Trump is a monumental step toward meeting the water supply, storage, and infrastructure needs of rural communities across the United States. From continuing to build upon the incredibly collaborative efforts in the Yakima River Basin to fulfilling the federal government’s commitment to the completion of the Columbia Basin Project, I will continue to work with federal agencies to secure this vital resource for Central Washington. President Trump’s Executive Order will go a long way in successfully doing so,” said Vice Chairman for the Department of Energy and Interior Dan Newhouse (WA-04).

 “This administration continues to take critical steps toward promoting water infrastructure projects. This executive order will ensure protection against water shortages, access to clean drinking water, and improve processes of coordination between agencies. I look forward to more expedited solutions to water issues and the cutting of unnecessary red tape,” said Chair Emeritus Rob Bishop (UT-01).

 “Safe, clean, reliable water supplies are essential to both urban and rural communities across America. As Ranking Member of the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee, I’ve worked with my congressional colleagues on a variety of bills that would ensure water access for all, but we will always benefit from more engagement, involvement, and coordination. I’m pleased to see President Trump instituting a Water Subcabinet of administration officials who can coordinate with state and local officials, Congress and each other. I look forward to working with them on water policy,” said Vice Chairman for Infrastructure and Forestry Bruce Westerman (AR-04).

 “A clean water supply is essential for our agriculture, environment, and economy. The West has struggled to increase and modernize our water storage and infrastructure, consistently being held up by the previous Administration and environmental groups. President Trump has taken bold action by establishing the Water Subcabinet to bring experts and policymakers together to bring much needed attention to improving America’s water management and supply. I’m confident this coordination across the federal government can deliver on the promise of a reliable water supply for America’s increasing needs,” said Vice Chairman for Agriculture and Chief Business Officer Doug LaMalfa (CA-01).

 "Safe, reliable water infrastructure is vitally important to Alaska, particularly in our Native villages and remote communities. Access to clean water is critical to the health and well-being of families across our state, and this is especially true in light of this pandemic. I am grateful to President Trump for recognizing this great need and taking action on behalf of Alaskans. I look forward to continuing to work with the Administration to secure federal water infrastructure investment that will serve our state and country well into the future," said Vice Chairman for Indian Affairs and Fisheries Don Young (AK-AL).

“I thank President Trump for his efforts to reform America’s water resource management and water infrastructure. Streamlining water policy will help secure a safe and reliable supply of water for Arizonans. President Trump continues to keep his promises by improving the livelihood of every American,” said Vice Chairman for Regulatory Reform Andy Biggs (AZ-05).

“Northern Minnesota has some of the cleanest water in the world due to the strong stewardship of our sportsmen and women and mining communities. However, our work is far from over. Therefore, I applaud President Trump, Secretary Bernhardt, and Administrator Wheeler for building on our success by modernizing America’s management of our water resources instead of tying up projects with red tape. In fact, this Administration announced an unprecedented investment into the St. Louis River Estuary and Lake Superior just last month. I look forward to this Executive Order building on an already strong legacy of water stewardship,” said Congressman Pete Stauber (MN-08).

“Water is essential to Utah and the most limiting factor for future growth. Unfortunately, water projects take years and years to permit and complete. Not only are the delays frustrating but they are also expensive. This modernizing of the process will relieve the burden that water projects put on local governments. I applaud this move to make safe and reliable water supplies more secure,” said Congressman Chris Stewart (UT-02).

 “President Trump’s executive order lays out a vision for a unified approach to water resources and management policy across the country, focusing on increasing supplies, developing and maintaining infrastructure, and improving water quality. I look forward to working with the Water Subcabinet on developing solutions to enhance water supply reliability for Californians,” said Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42).

 “I am committed to ensuring the long-term viability of Kansas farms, ranches and communities and applaud the Administration for prioritizing such an important and impactful issues for current and future generations of Kansans,” said Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D. “Water is vital to the prosperity of our state and through increased collaboration of Federal agencies, improved government efficiency and reduced bureaucratic red tape, we can ensure that our nation will have a water policy that allows for continued access to safe and reliable water and water infrastructure,” said Congressman Roger Marshall (KS-01).

“As a farmer, I’ve been on the front lines of the fight to improve our nation’s water quality, and I applaud the Trump Administration’s work to prioritize clean water access. Whether it’s clean drinking water, safe agricultural practices, or responsible management of water infrastructure projects, we are all a part of the effort to maintain one of our most precious natural resources. Like so many responsibilities of the federal government, agency overlap and mission creep often hampers our ability to prevent and respond to water quality problems. The creation of the Water Subcabinet will bring together the necessary agencies and stakeholders to ensure they are all working together in a complimentary and streamlined fashion,” said Congressman Bob Gibbs (OH-07).

“I applaud the administration’s continued commitment to managing our water resources in an effective and efficient way. Establishing the Water Subcabinet will streamline the management of our water supply, and that is a win for everyone,” said Congressman Paul Cook (CA-08).

“I applaud President Trump for asking this bold step to improve Federal water policy. Our farmers, ranchers, and the American people need dependable access to clean water, and the Water Subcabinet ill ensure that regulations meet the needs of the Nation,” said Congressman Rick Crawford (AR-01).

 “Reliable water supply administered through sound water infrastructure is essential for Nebraska’s farmers, producers, and consumers alike. We saw that first hand with the Gering-Ft. Laramie irrigation tunnel collapse last year, which impacted 100,000 acres of Nebraska farmland. I commend President Trump for establishing a streamlined, dedicated Water Subcabinet to address such a critical issue for Western states,” said Congressman Adrian Smith (NE-03).   

Background Courtesy of the White House

The Executive Order can be seen HERE.

A fact sheet can be seen HERE.

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