Armstrong Welcomes Western Caucus to North Dakota

Agriculture Summit highlights local control, conservation, and impacts of federal regulations

BISMARCK, ND– Last week, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL) welcomed Western Caucus Members and staff to Bismarck for an Agriculture Summit to discuss the importance of states’ rights and local control of lands, the upcoming Farm Bill, and how federal policies – like the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule – impact North Dakota’s agriculture industry.

The Summit, hosted by the Western Caucus Foundation, featured Rep. Armstrong, Senators Kevin Cramer (ND) and John Hoeven (ND), North Dakota Department of Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, South Dakota Department of Agriculture Secretary Hunter Roberts, Western Caucus staff, agriculture leaders, and stakeholders.

“Though North Dakota’s farmers and ranchers have faced many hardships in recent years, they have persevered and continued to supply food for the nation,”said Rep. Armstrong.“I am excited to welcome members of the Congressional Western Caucus to Bismarck andto share to share the story of our agriculture producers with them.”

“The actions taken in D.C. have real world impacts on rural America, and events like this Summit – which give our Members the opportunity to hear directly from those on the ground – are critical,”said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04).“North Dakota’s farmers and ranchers greatly contribute to our nation’s food supply chain and national security, and it is their livelihoods that are threatened by the Biden Administration’s federal overreach and regulations. The Western Caucus will continue to support our nation’s agriculture producers by advocating against egregious attacks on rural communities and ensuring their voices are heard.”


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