Western Caucus Members Applaud House Passage of H.R. 1

  • H.R. 1 Passage

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. This legislation was introduced by Western Caucus Members Majority Leader Steve Scalise (LA-01), House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05), and House Committee on Natural Resources Chair and Western Caucus Vice Chair Bruce Westerman (AR-04) to tackle the energy crisis caused by President Biden’s disastrous America Last energy policies. The legislation passed with a bipartisan vote of 225-204.

See what Western Caucus Members had to say:

“America makes the cleanest and most efficient energy in the world, this bill ensures necessary reforms so projects across the nation are carried out in a timely manner while upholding commonsense environmental standards,” said Executive Vice Chair Doug LaMalfa (CA-01). “H.R. 1 is a win for American energy independence, but also for forest management and wildfire mitigation. I am pleased that my two amendments were included. Both provide necessary permitting reforms to remove vegetation which helps lower risk of wildfire.”

“The path to affordable, reliable, safe, and clean energy starts here with H.R. 1. I applaud the passage of this bill, and I am grateful for the inclusion of my legislation to help approval of chemicals necessary for the critical energy infrastructure of the future," said Vice Chair John Curtis (UT-03). "Republicans care deeply about this Earth, emission reductions, affordable energy, and energy independence, all of which are achieved by this bill."

“When Republicans took the House majority, we promised the American people that we would pass comprehensive legislation to lower costs and unleash American energy independence. Today, we made good on that promise. The Lower Energy Costs Act includes provisions that will increase domestic energy production, reform the permitting process for all industries, reverse anti-energy policies advanced by the Biden Administration, streamline energy infrastructure and exports, and boost the production and processing of critical minerals,” said Vice Chair Mark Amodei (NV-02). “Nevada is poised to serve our nation by delivering the lithium necessary for renewable energies, and I’m especially excited that this legislation will streamline the burdensome and bureaucratic permitting process that far too often keeps these critical minerals in the ground. Rather than continuing to rely on adversaries like China for these resources, I look forward to seeing Nevada’s miners produce these resources here at home under the strongest environmental and labor standards in the world. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to pass this legislation.”

“America produces the cleanest energy and critical minerals in the world," said Vice Chair Tom Tiffany (WI-07). "Why should the U.S. be dependent on Russia, China, and other foreign adversaries when we can unleash the oil, gas, and critical minerals that are right under our feet? By rolling back the damaging policies imposed by the Biden administration, unleashing Made-in-America energy, and streamlining the permitting process, H.R. 1 will ensure that we are able to build American, mine American, drill American, and protect American dominance in the 21st century."

“I’m pleased to help pass H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, in the House today,” said Vice Chair Andy Biggs (AZ-05). “It unleashes American energy, boosts the production of critical minerals, and reforms the broken permitting process. We are closer to becoming energy-independent again and having cheaper fuel.”

“I am excited that my legislation to condemn President Biden’s reckless decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline has passed the U.S. House,” said Vice Chair Debbie Lesko (AZ-08). “President Biden’s move was nothing short of a disaster, and it was just the first in a long line of reckless energy policies. I am grateful to Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Majority Leader Steve Scalise for including this legislation in H.R. 1, and I am thankful for my colleagues who are standing up against the Biden Administration’s anti-energy agenda.”

“We must boost American energy production to create jobs and lower costs for Americans,” said Vice Chair Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01). “House Republican's H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, will reverse President Biden’s anti-energy policies and strengthen America’s position in global energy markets.”

“I represent the people of American Samoa, where fuel and shipping costs are causing higher prices for almost everything, and average wages to pay for it are a fraction of anywhere in the 50 states,” said Vice Chair Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (AS). “Transportation from an island in the South Pacific to anywhere in the world is extremely expensive. Infrastructure is an enormous challenge; we have infrastructure needs across the board from the hospital to sea walls. That construction requires costly shipping. We import all sorts of basic products, with exceptions such as the fresh fruits we raise on the island. Our cannery requires shipping for materials, then ships the tuna that millions of Americans depend on. As an island territory, even in times of prosperity, we always face additional economic and geographic challenges because we are so remote, and this is a constant part of my message in Washington. Now, we suddenly face double economic challenges – the Biden administration has announced drastic new restrictions that unfortunately threaten our fishing-based economy in the South Pacific through confiscation of our waters without consultation with us, even as the price of fuel puts pressure on all local commerce. This is major legislation with the goal of reducing fuel prices, and I was supportive of this effort in the Committee of the Whole, and in the Natural Resources Committee. We need to get the cost of shipping down, so we can hold the cost of local food and construction down, and make sure all the people of American Samoa, with our high rates of veterans and military families, can afford the necessities of life.”

“H.R. 1 is an important step toward American energy dominance. American energy production has the power to lower prices and strengthen our energy supply chains,” said Vice Chair Adrian Smith (NE-03). “Increasing production and untangling energy from burdensome regulations is key to providing certainty and lowering costs for American businesses, consumers, and families.”

"Families in California’s 23rd District are paying up to 3x last year's natural gas prices as a result of restrictive government energy policies,” said Vice Chair Jay Obernolte (CA-23). “I'm proud to support H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to unleash domestic energy production, fix permitting, and lower prices to provide relief for our families.”

 “The Lower Energy Costs Act will cut regulations for American energy producers and cut costs for the American people,” said Vice Chair Chris Stewart (UT-02). “We're keeping our promise to make America energy independent again.”

“This is a vote to provide solutions to high energy costs and to end Biden’s energy crisis,” said Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-06). “H.R. 1 will reduce home energy costs for American families and enhances our national security. It includes two provisions that I drafted, one prohibits unelected bureaucrats from banning natural gas stoves and the other repeals the $27 billion EPA ‘slush fund’ for green advocacy groups. This vote is a win for the American people. Energy costs are one of the biggest drivers of inflation. Inflation has risen to 6.5% since President Biden took office because of reckless spending, massive regulation, and higher energy costs. President Biden’s policies have also made our country more reliant on foreign adversaries, like China, instead of using the abundant natural resources we have here. Thankfully, the bi-partisan H.R. 1 is a step in the right direction. The Senate needs to take up this important legislation without delay.”

“House Republicans made a Commitment to America that we would end President Biden’s war on American energy and we are demonstrating that today with the passage of H.R. 1,” said Rep. Larry Bucshon (IN-08). “This bill will flip the switch on American energy production, reverse the Biden Administration’s anti-energy policies, and streamline permitting for our energy infrastructure. Included in this bill is my Securing America's Critical Minerals Supply Act which will address the broad set of ‘critical energy resources’ needed so we can properly assess our nation’s energy supply, identify critical resources for our economy, and help locate vulnerabilities in our supply chains. This is a small but significant step towards combatting our nation’s energy crisis.”

“Unnecessary red tape is stifling energy sectors across the country, and Oregonians are paying the price,” said Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05). “In addition to higher costs for gas and groceries, it’s caused the United States to be reliant on less-efficient producers around the world for our energy needs – resulting in higher global emissions. Not only does this contribute to climate change, but it also leaves us vulnerable to our adversaries, price shocks, and supply-chain disruptions. That’s why the Lower Energy Costs Act is so important. This legislation would help ensure the United States can continue building the technologies and infrastructure needed to produce clean energy. By making improvements to the permitting process across industries, this bill would also streamline construction projects and create good-paying union jobs in Oregon. The Lower Energy Costs Act is a commonsense step forward for anyone who supports reducing global emissions, increasing our national and energy security, creating good-paying jobs, and advancing America’s energy leadership – all while lowering costs for hardworking families. I’m proud to support this much-needed and overdue legislation, and I’ll continue to back efforts that bring down the cost of living for Oregonians.”

“Over the past 19 months, the Biden Administration has logjammed American energy projects in government regulatory purgatory and enacted policies that have led to the dependence of energy from foreign adversaries- all leading to higher prices for America’s families and communities. Oklahoma, and the United States as a whole, has tremendous potential to utilize its energy resources – resources that have the capability to provide efficient and reliable energy for many of our communities. The Lower Energy Costs Act would enhance our energy resources, strengthen our energy and national security, enact sensible permitting reforms into law, and- most importantly- cut costs for consumers,” said Rep. Frank Lucas (OK-03). “The backbone of America’s energy security are the resources that lie within our grasps for development. As the global leader in energy technology development and science innovation, the United States must take an all-of-the-above approach that embraces a wide range of energy sources and technologies that support integrated energy systems. I’m proud to support the Lower Energy Costs Act, ensuring America can untap the energy resources of tomorrow and strengthen America’s energy security while making energy cleaner, more affordable, and more reliable for all Americans.”

“President Biden’s anti-energy agenda has hurt our economy, weakened our national security, and caused pain for consumers in Southern Illinois and across America,” said Rep. Mike Bost (IL-12). “I voted for the Lower Energy Costs Act to unleash American-made energy and lower costs for working families desperate for relief. I will continue fighting to end the radical Green New Deal agenda and drive down costs for the American people.”

“House Republicans’ top priority is stopping the Biden administration’s assault on domestic energy production and on the livelihoods of many hardworking Americans,” said Rep. Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL). “From the gas pump to the grocery store, the energy crisis caused by the Biden administration’s disastrous policies have hit North Dakotans’ pocketbooks and threatened our national security. I’m glad that our commonsense legislation passed by a bipartisan vote. It’s time to get back to reality and allow producers to provide the reliable and affordable energy the world needs.”

“I promised my voters that I would deliver real solutions to the problems they’re facing, and today, the House passed two of my bills and an additional amendment as a part of H.R. 1,” said Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO-03). “My bills will lower energy costs and streamline the process for critical infrastructure projects. Promises made, promises kept. These bills will provide certainty for responsible energy production and transportation while preventing frivolous litigation, all in an effort to make America energy independent once again, reduce gas prices for Coloradans, and allow important infrastructure projects to get done.”

“On the day that President Biden was sworn into office, the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide was $2.39. Today, the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.44. That is a 44% increase,” said Rep. Josh Brecheen (OK-02). “Today, I was proud to vote in favor of H.R.1 which would increase our domestic energy production, reverse President Biden’s woke climate policies, and lower costs for American families. We must end President Biden’s war on American energy.” 

“H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, will boost the production and processing of critical minerals to help drive down costs for Americans and keep us competitive with Communist China. I voted yes,” said Rep. Ken Buck (CO-04).

“Today, House Republicans once again upheld their commitment to provide solutions for Americans by passing H.R. 1,” said Rep. Michael Burgess (TX-26). “Since entering the oval office, President Biden used the power of the pen to weaken America’s energy independence by stifling production in the name of climate change. For over two years Americans have watched the deterioration of our robust energy sector resulting in the rise of higher energy costs. To meet America’s energy demands, provide jobs, and reduce environmental impacts, we must build more a comprehensive energy infrastructure, not less. I am grateful that legislation I have been fighting for was included. The Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act will provide Federal and State agency coordination in the approval of certain authorizations for natural gas pipeline projects under the Natural Gas Act. It establishes the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as the lead agency to coordinate the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 review process and the pipeline projects under the Natural Gas Act. By streamlining the authorizations for pipeline projects, we can establish accountability and transparency while lowering energy costs for Americans. If the President is truly committed to ‘made in America,’ as he stated during his State of the Union address, he would urge the Senate to quickly send this necessary legislation to his desk."

“I’m proud to have voted for the Lower Energy Costs Act to boost American energy production and national security,” said Rep. Eli Crane (AZ-02). “Instead of relying on communist China, we can now more easily mine critical minerals right here in AZ-02, which is rich with natural resources.”

“House Republicans are continuing to deliver on our Commitment to America. As a Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, I am proud to have helped develop the Lower Energy Costs Act, a landmark piece of legislation unleashing American energy and putting more dollars back in the wallets of hardworking Americans,” said Rep. John Duarte (CA-13). “Central Valley Californians are sick and tired of having to break the bank just to fill up their gas tanks. This bill pushes back against President Biden’s war on American energy, paving the way for increased American energy production, lower prices, and more high-paying jobs. This bill is not just about politics or ideology, it's about doing what's right for hardworking Californians who deserve access to affordable energy. I am proud to support H.R. 1, and I believe that it represents a critical step forward in promoting economic growth and prosperity for all Americans.”

“H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, will take bold action to unleash our nation’s energy potential and reverse the Biden Administration’s war on American energy that began on his first day in office. This legislation is a win for all Americans and will address the nation’s energy crisis by reestablishing American energy leadership,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03). “Lowering energy costs is a leading priority because energy is the foundation of everything in American life—when the cost of energy goes up, everything else does too. H.R. 1 will reverse the President’s anti-American energy policies, cut excessive bureaucratic red tape, help to lower global carbon emissions with cleaner American liquefied natural gas (LNG), and increase domestic production to lower costs and restore American energy dominance. Producing more American energy resources will allow us to deliver energy to where it’s needed nationwide and export more clean American natural gas to help our allies break free of the grip of Vladimir Putin’s energy oligarchy and improve the quality of life and standard of living for so many others around the globe. Energy security is national security, and Americans should never have to rely on our adversaries to supply our energy needs. The United States has incredible energy potential with vast reserves of oil, natural gas, and other critical minerals essential for energy dominance. H.R. 1 will allow us to unleash our potential to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy here at home and to our freedom-loving allies worldwide. H.R. 1 includes my bill, the Protecting American Energy Production Act as part of sixteen pieces of legislation from the Energy and Commerce Committee. The Republican Majority is delivering solutions to the crises Americans are facing through passing H.R. 1, and I urge my colleagues in the Senate to pass this bipartisan legislation to lower energy costs and improve the standard of living for Americans.”

“In 2019, the United States became energy independent for the first time in 62 years. However, on his first day in office, President Biden destroyed American energy production by killing the Keystone XL pipeline and outsourcing our energy needs to our enemies,” said Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA-04). “I am proud to support the Lower Energy Costs Act – which includes my amendment to prevent China from buying American farmland suitable for ethanol and biodiesel production – to lower gas prices for our families, reduce diesel costs for our farmers, protect our energy security, and end our reliance on foreign oil. Honoring our Commitment to America, Republicans have fulfilled another promise to the American people by ending President Biden’s attacks on American energy.”

“House Republicans have once again demonstrated we are committed to addressing the pressing issues most important to the American people,” said Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05). “Under Joe Biden, American energy independence has suffered and record costs have hurt folks across the country. This legislation, which received bipartisan support, will put the country on a path to responsibly power our future, decrease our reliance on China, and boost America's resiliency to future global energy crises."

“Today, I voted to pass H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act,” said Rep. Kay Granger (TX-12). “House Republicans are working to lower energy costs for American families and unleash our energy independence.”

“This administration has from day one sought to reorganize our national and foreign policy around the concept of relying upon tyrants, despots, and dictators to set domestic energy policy.  This administration has placed what amounts to an embargo on domestic energy production, while ensuring that our enemies are the only ones allowed to produce the energy that we need to power our economy.  To say that this approach is wrongheaded is an understatement, being downright dangerous to the security of the United States of America,” said Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL). “I believe in American ingenuity.  I believe in using our resources to make our lives better.  I believe in a vision of prosperity - and so do my fellow Republicans in Congress.  We have drafted and passed H.R. 1, the Lowering Energy Costs Act. This legislation will end the Biden war on energy by streamlining leasing and permitting, incentivizing domestic mineral production, ending the de facto moratorium on coal, and modernizing federal regulations. Included in this monumental piece of legislation is the Combating Obstruction Against Leasing (COAL) Act which I submitted in response to the very issues outlined above, and which is designed to force the Secretary of the Department of the Interior to act on the many outstanding coal permits and leases. Now it is time for the Senate to listen to the people and join us in supporting American energy independence.”

“Today, I voted yes on H.R.1 to end Biden’s war on American energy,” said Rep. Diana Harshbarger (TN-01). “The Lower Energy Costs Act puts an end to skyrocketing energy costs and asserts American domestic energy dominance.”

“Republicans continue to follow through on our commitment to America,” said Rep. Kevin Hern (OK-01). “We gave this bill number one because it is our top priority – it’s also just the first step. We will continue to push policies that empower domestic energy producers and get the United States back to the position of energy independence we held before Biden took office. I’m proud my amendment passed the House and was included in the final bill. My amendment protects American energy producers from the tax hikes included in the Biden Administration’s budget proposal. We must do everything in our power to restore American energy security!”

“With the passage of H.R. 1, we’ll boost domestic energy production, lift regulatory burdens for the construction of more energy infrastructure by reforming the broken permitting process, begin cutting China out of our critical materials supply chains, and lower costs across the board,” said Rep. Bill Johnson (OH-06). “Or a better way of saying it: Reverse the Biden Administration’s “America last” energy policies. I’ll certainly be voting to support this important legislation on the House floor tomorrow.  We have to regain America’s energy independence that President Biden gave away with his disastrous executive orders.”

“Bolstering American energy security through domestic production starts with scaling back overly burdensome environmental regulations that delay or permanently block approval for production,” said Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD-AL). “H.R. 1 will get our energy production headed in the right direction, creating a cleaner energy future and lower costs for Americans.”

“Families across Ohio have felt the pain of energy prices for too long,” said Rep. Dave Joyce (OH-14). “Today, I proudly voted yes on the Lower Energy Costs Act to grow our economy and restore American energy independence. Ensuring Americans have access to reliable and affordable energy remains a top priority.”

“Californians have been crushed under the weight of runaway inflation and an ever-increasing cost of living,” said Rep. Kevin Kiley (CA-03). “Today, I took my latest step to rein-in inflation by voting for sweeping, bipartisan energy and permitting reform legislation that will lower gas and grocery prices, reduce utility bills, and make everyday goods more affordable. I look forward to continuing to fight inflation and protect taxpayers in the coming months.”

“Earlier today the House passed the bipartisan Lower Energy Costs Act,” said Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS-02). “I was proud to vote in favor of this commonsense bill to lower energy costs for Kansas families, reverse burdensome Biden regulations, and get America back on the path toward energy independence.”

“House Republicans have taken action to STOP Biden's anti-energy policies and increase American energy production,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11). “Isn’t it time we put American energy and the workers who produce it BEFORE foreign adversaries.”

“Since his first day in office, President Biden launched an unprecedented war on American energy, which caused prices to skyrocket and compromised our national security,” said Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01). “H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, will put an end to that. This legislation would unleash American energy and lower costs for families by increasing domestic energy production, reforming permitting processes, reversing anti-energy policies advanced by the Biden Administration, streamlining energy infrastructure and exports, and boosting the production and processing of critical minerals. When I meet with Kansans in the Big First, I hear countless concerns about the impact of inflation and government overreach. Kansans are tired of paying the price for President Biden’s reckless spending and shortsighted Green New Deal agenda. Between January 2021 and the fall of 2022, the average Kansan’s monthly energy costs increased by $153. Price increases like that crush people’s lives and livelihoods. To get our country back on track and restore American energy independence, we must cut red tape and unleash our energy potential. If we fail to do so, we don’t just risk our energy security, but our national security as well.” 

“Today, I voted in favor of H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act,” said Rep. Alex Mooney (WV-02). “The bill unleashes American energy, boosts the production of critical minerals, and reforms the broken permitting process. It’s time to end Joe Biden’s war on American energy.”

“American families are struggling to make ends meet amidst skyrocketing gas, grocery and electric prices due to Biden's inflation crisis,” said Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02). "With this legislation, House Republicans will hold him accountable for his war on American energy by forcing him to unleash American energy production and lower energy costs for working families. President Biden doesn't have a plan to lower the painful prices you're paying at the gas pump or the grocery store checkout, but House Republicans do."

“Today, House Republicans took a monumental step in addressing the energy crisis brought on by two years of President Biden's war on American energy. President Biden canceled the Keystone Pipeline, halted oil and gas leases on federal lands, and drained our emergency oil reserves. Now the price of gas is 44% higher than before he took office,” said Rep. Greg Murphy (NC-03). “That’s why House Republicans voted today to pass HR 1 - the Lower Energy Costs Act. This bill is the first step in reducing energy costs by slashing burdensome regulations, increasing production, and expanding mining operations. This is all part of House Republicans’ Commitment to America. Promises made, promises kept.”

“House Republicans committed to making energy security and restoring American energy dominance our top priority,” said Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11). “Passing H.R.1 is a promise kept.”

“The Biden Administration’s attack on domestic energy crippled our economy and national security. Resuming onshore oil and gas lease sales will not only lower the cost of energy for American families and businesses, but it will also allow us to compete with China and strengthen supply chains,” said Rep. Matt Rosendale (MT-02). “Restoring our nation’s energy dominance will require an all-of-the-above approach – the Lower Energy Costs Act will spur the responsible development of domestic energy and minerals across the country.”

“Low cost, reliable energy is fundamental to prosperity, and I'm proud the House passed H.R. 1 which includes my bill to help ensure the development of our nation’s energy infrastructure at a time when it is most necessary," said Rep. David Rouzer (NC-07).  "American energy production and distribution is under tremendous assault, and this bill ensures America can build the energy infrastructure necessary to responsibly utilize our natural resources, unleash American energy independence, and lower costs for all."

“President Biden made his opposition to American energy clear the moment he took office. HR 1 reverses Biden's misguided policies and produces more energy here at home,” said Rep. Austin Scott (GA-08). “Today I supported HR 1, and I will always stand up for American energy dominance.”

“Central Valley families have seen gas prices skyrocket and monthly energy bills double under the Biden Administration’s regulatory assault on American energy production,” said Rep. David Valadao (CA-22). “The United States has some of the greatest energy resources in the entire world. We should be utilizing these resources to create jobs, strengthen our national security, and lower prices for Valley residents. I’m pleased that my bill was included in this package – which will cut red tape and speed up the approval of new energy production projects. I was proud to join my colleagues today to pass the Lower Energy Costs Act.”

“For 2 years, Biden has discouraged domestic energy production, forcing the US to rely on foreign countries for oil and gas, driving up costs and shattering the supply chain,” said Rep. Roger Williams (TX-25). “I'm proud to have voted for H.R. 1 to hold the administration accountable, and restore energy independence.”

“A little over two years ago, America wasn’t just energy independent - America was energy dominant. We gave Biden a blueprint for a clean, safe, efficient, and inexpensive energy policy and economy that benefitted from it. He threw it in the garbage and Montanans have paid for it though high electricity bills and price gouges at the fuel pump since,” said Rep. Ryan Zinke (MT-01). “H.R. 1 puts logic back into energy policy. We shouldn’t be fist-bumping over oil deals with war criminals, Chinese Communists or terrorists when we have what we need under our boots.” 

“I’ve heard too many stories of Americans going without basic necessities in order to afford gas, electricity, and energy bills. It doesn’t have to be this way,” said Rep. Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06). “H.R. 1 makes life affordable again by lowering energy costs for families across the country.”

“Today, House Republicans honored their commitment to work to lower energy costs, which have been hurting Americans and contributing to inflation,” said Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-01). “H.R. 1 will help unleash America’s energy resources and end our dependence on adversarial nations, a commonsense solution. The Biden Administration’s attacks on domestic energy production gave us the highest gas prices in history, led President Biden to drain our strategic petroleum reserve, and forced him to seek oil from Venezuela’s dictator. It’s time to end the president’s Green New Deal failures and leverage our nation’s abundant energy resources, to save Americans money and to strengthen our economy and national security.”

“Any person with the ability to think critically knows this: we can’t survive on a wind and solar-only energy future. It’s unreliable, and it’s irresponsible for my colleagues on the left to continue pushing this narrative. H.R. 1 is a comprehensive energy package that rescinds a lot of the disastrous energy policy of the Biden Administration,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw (TX-02). “H.R. 1 removes permitting obstacles for U.S. LNG, which can provide safe, clean, affordable, and abundant energy to the world and displace foreign coal—the primary driver of global emissions. We make it easier to tap into America’s vast deposits of critical minerals, which we need to make things like batteries and steel domestically rather than relying on China. And this bill includes two provisions I introduced to protect America’s oil refining capacity and make it easier for states to develop carbon capture projects. This is what it’s all about – affordable, reliable energy produced right here in America. We produce the cleanest energy in the world and when we export that energy abroad, we lower global emissions. This bill checks all the boxes, and it’s disappointing that Democrats reflexively refuse to support it.”

“Energy security is national security,” said Rep. Brad Finstad (MN-01). “It is long past time that we put a stop to this administration's anti-energy policies, return to American energy independence, and bring down costs for southern Minnesota families

“H.R. 1 puts America back on the road to energy independence and reverses anti-energy policies pushed by the Biden Administration,” said Rep. Mike Flood (NE-01).

“Today, House Republicans offered Americans an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will reverse the America Last policies currently in place,” said Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-01). “I proudly voted YES on H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act.”

“Passing H.R. 1 fulfills House Republican’s promise to begin the end of the administration’s war on energy,” said Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-08). “American families deserve the national security and affordability that come from energy independence, and the passage of this bill was the first step.”

“Energy costs on Guam have reached historical highs. This week in Congress I advocated to help ease the pockets of island residents,” said Rep. James Moylan (GU-AL). “Guam's people cannot continue to bear these costs. There is a solution to this ongoing issue and that’s through The Lower Energy Costs Act. House Republicans are committed to bringing gas prices down and ease the burden of hard-working Americans.”

“The House just passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to end Biden’s war on American energy production,” said Rep. Troy Nehls (TX-22). “It’s time to put our country back on the path to energy dominance. House Republicans are committed to providing relief to families and unleashing American energy!”

“America is stronger when we are energy independent, yet the Biden Administration has waged war on domestic production, raising costs for hardworking families and increasing our dependence on hostile adversaries,” said Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04). “House Republicans made a commitment to deliver affordable and secure resources, and that starts by reversing Biden’s anti-energy policies and unleashing domestic production. We should be making more American energy – not less.”

“With today’s passage of the Lower Energy Costs Act, House Republicans have delivered on our commitment to American energy independence,” said Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15). “Since day one of this Administration, our energy resources have been shackled, pipeline construction has ceased, and new oil and gas leases on federal lands became nonexistent. President Biden’s war on clean, American energy production undoubtedly crippled the U.S. economy—leaving farmers, ranchers, producers, and consumers to pay the ultimate price. As I said earlier this week, a vote for H.R. 1 is a vote for food security.”

“From day one, the Biden Administration has launched a whole-of-government assault on American oil and gas producers, the lifeblood of our economy, and cornerstone of our national security. Our nation’s valuable natural energy resources, especially in West Texas, have blessed our nation with economic competitiveness and a quality of life that are second to none,” said Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19). "I'm proud to support H.R. 1, which protects and promotes American energy dominance by streamlining infrastructure, lifting burdensome taxes and fees, and unleashing domestic production of our energy resources from oil and gas to critical minerals." 

“Productivity requires energy. Every day, Americans drive their cars, charge their devices, and heat their homes,” said Rep. Don Bacon (NE-02). “Just some of the thousands of actions that require energy. H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, will reduce costs and increase production of American energy.”

“My colleagues and I are keeping our Commitment to America by reversing many of the damaging and overreaching regulations on our domestic energy production that President Biden and the Democrats have levied,” said Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-01). “Families are hurting and have suffered long enough from detrimental liberal policies – we must drive down costs, and that’s what this bill does. For our economy, national security, and energy independence – this is a huge step in the right direction.”

“A key part of House Republicans’ Commitment to America is putting an end to Democrats’ anti-American energy policies. Today, we delivered on that promise by passing H.R. 1 – The Lower Energy Costs Act. This bill will lower energy costs for hardworking Americans and make it easier for families to make ends meet," said Rep. Jerry Carl (AL-01). "I’m especially proud that a bill I worked on – the Unleashing American Energy Act – is included in this package. My bill fights back on the Biden administration’s war on our domestic energy production by mandating oil and gas lease sales each year in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s coast. This bill also includes a huge increase in Alabama’s share of offshore oil and gas revenue, which is so important for coastline restoration and conservation projects. Today, House Republicans made it clear that we will do all we can to end Joe Biden’s war on American energy, boost domestic energy production, and bring down the cost of energy for all Americans."

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