Chairman Newhouse Introduces Legislation to Promote “All-of-the-Above” Energy


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) led 30 Members of the Congressional Western Caucus in introducing a resolution expressing the sense of Congress that an “all of the above” energy plan is the most viable approach to American energy independence.

“In the United States, we produce energy cleaner and safer than anywhere else in the world, for traditional resources like oil and natural gas as well as for emerging resources and innovative technologies. That is why we cannot allow the Biden Administration and far-left Democrats to force us to choose between the two,” said Chairman Newhouse. “When it comes down to it, we should not be looking at our energy portfolio as “or” but rather as “and.” We need American oil and natural gas, and we need carbon-free energy resources like hydro and nuclear power. I will never stop fighting for the U.S. energy sector, defending our producers from wrongful attacks, and working to restore American energy independence. Rural America depends on it.”

“Natural gas, oil, hydropower, geothermal, nuclear, and biomass are all an essential part of our energy grid,” said Executive Vice Chair Doug LaMalfa (CA-01). “America makes the cleanest and most efficient energy in the world, and our policies must ensure the continued use of the abundance of resources available to us.”

“I strongly support an all-of-the-above energy plan. I represent American Samoa, a U.S. territory with a strategically important harbor and airport in the South Pacific. We are geographically and economically remote islands, where all fuel is imported, and we depend on cargo shipping for everything from construction to milk and beef,” said Vice Chair Aumua Amata Radewagen (AS-AL). “Our tuna cannery, the backbone of our local economy, ships in fish, and ships out canned goods. Our people live on wages that are among the lowest anywhere in the U.S., with high rates of U.S. military families and veterans, and we need to bring costs down for them, including groceries, travel, and every product impacted by energy costs and inflation.”

“I’m proud to join Chairman Newhouse on this resolution to highlight the importance of an ‘all of the above’ energy policy,” said Vice Chair Pete Stauber (MN-08). “America has the resources, the workforce and the technology to become energy independent and dominant, we just need the political will to modernize the permitting process to unlock our resources, including those in my northern Minnesota district. That’s why the Senate must act to pass the bipartisan Lower Energy Costs Act soon.”

“The United States produces the cleanest oil, gas, and minerals in the world,” said Vice Chair Chris Stewart (UT-02). “We should never rely on foreign nations – particularly our adversaries – for critical energy. But, if we want to once again be energy independent, we must move forward with an all-of-the-above energy approach. This will unleash the full potential of our domestic energy production and allow our nation, and particularly rural America, to thrive.”

“When the United States produces more of its energy domestically, global emissions go down, thanks to the innovation and groundbreaking technology which exists at every level of our energy sector,” said Vice Chair Jay Obernolte (CA-23). An ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy will ensure American innovation continues to lead the way while protecting the stability of our grid and lowering the energy prices facing everyday Americans.”

“I’m proud to join my Western Caucus colleagues in introducing this important legislation to stand up for an all-of-the-above energy approach and support American energy independence,” said Vice Chair Debbie Lesko (AZ-08). “The Biden Administration’s rushed, green-energy only agenda has undermined our energy security and increased gasoline and energy costs for American families.”

“Iowa should be used as a proven framework for an ‘any of the above’ approach to energy. Whether through wind, solar, or biofuels and ethanol, Iowans have taken advantage of our resources to produce reliable renewable energy,” said Vice Chair Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01). “This sort of innovation is critical as our national demand for energy continues to increase. I’m proud to join this resolution, and I will continue to advocate for affordable, reliable, domestic energy.”

“Across the country, American workers, farmers, and businesses are ready, willing, and able to increase domestic energy production and lower energy costs for every American family,” said Vice Chair Michelle Fischbach (MN-07). “We can and should reduce our dependence on China and other foreign adversaries by producing cleaner, safer, and more reliable energy here in the United States.”

“To ensure American energy dominance, we must take a true, all-of-the-above approach to energy production. As co-chair of the Biofuels Caucus, I have seen firsthand how important it is for policymakers to empower all domestic energy industries so they’re able to innovate and produce,” said Vice Chair Adrian Smith (NE-03). “An all-of-the-above approach lowers costs for consumers, supports American jobs, and ensures we can stand strong against aggressors around the world who wish to weaponize energy. I thank Chairman Newhouse for his leadership on this important and timely resolution.”

“The only realistic way to provide reliable, diversified energy to Americans in all regions of our nation is an “all-of-the-above” approach,” said Vice Chair Doug Lamborn (CO-05). “Each form of energy has its strengths and weaknesses, but this resolution will bolster our resiliency by utilizing numerous energy sources that complement one another. The All of the Above Energy resolution will allow us to break free from foreign energy influence and provide affordable, reliable energy for all.”

“An ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy will advance our national security and relieve the financial burden weighing on American consumers by the Biden Administration,” said Rep. Troy E. Nehls (TX-22). “American energy is the cleanest and most affordable energy in the world. It’s time our nation stops relying on our foreign adversaries like China and unleashes the power of American energy and manufacturing. I am proud to support Chairman Newhouse in promoting these efforts.”

“An all of the above energy policy is the only policy choice that will unleash and advance the full range of innovation and promote our clear national interest in a reliable and resilient energy supply,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48).

“An all-of-the-above approach to energy is the safest and most prosperous way forward for the American people,” said Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02). “The Biden Administration needs to unleash American energy in all its forms, and I am grateful to Chairman Newhouse and the Western Caucus for their leadership on this issue.”

"President Biden has done everything in his power to make it harder to produce energy in the United States. As a result, families across Kansas have faced record-high prices at the pump and soaring utility costs," said Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS-02). "I'm proud to cosponsor the All of the Above Energy resolution to help maximize energy production here in America and put our nation back on the path toward energy independence."

“Under Rick Perry and Donald Trump, the United States was a net energy exporter,” said Rep. Jake Ellzey (TX-06). “Within two years, the current administration shut down much of our viable energy production, artificially handicapping our economy and energy independence. On Friday, I joined my colleagues in introducing The All of the Above Energy Resolution, creating a pathway to gain American energy independence again.”

“To secure American energy independence, we need to embrace an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that embraces both fossil fuels and renewable energy, rather than letting Washington pick winners and losers,” said Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01). “The federal government should not be in the business of rigging the energy market, and President Biden’s war on fossil fuels has done nothing but cause prices to skyrocket at the pump. With this legislation, House Republicans are putting an end to the absurd and burdensome permitting requirements, the extortionate taxes, and the bureaucratic red tape that is hampering the energy sector. Americans deserve to power their lives and businesses with energy that’s reliable and affordable – and not from a top-down mandated approach from the government. The All of the Above Energy Resolution is an important step in the right direction.”

“Energy security and affordability are critical to growing our economy and strengthening our national security,” said Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04). “From nuclear energy and natural gas to hydropower and oil, House Republicans are committed to unleashing the full might of American energy and rebuilding our independence from hostile adversaries. I am proud to support the All of the Above Energy House Resolution to recognize the unrivaled contribution of American innovation in advanced, clean, safe, and reliable energy production to lower energy costs for American families nationwide.”

“Our country is fortunate to have bountiful natural resources and a tradition of innovation," said Rep. Pat Fallon (TX-04). "We should embrace our national character and move forward with an ‘All of the Above’ approach to keep the lights on and our economy running. Zero sum policies like the Green New Deal weaken our energy resiliency and breaks the bank accounts of American families. An 'All of the Above' approach is the future to true energy independence.”

“America must have accessible and affordable energy. Any “all of the above” approach recognizes that coal is a prime source of that energy now - and will be for generations to come. Coal currently provides nearly 40% of global electricity, and coal-fueled power plants account for approximately 25% of all electricity generated in the United States - with 41% of that total being produced in Wyoming,” said Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL). “We cannot return to energy independence without recognizing that coal, gas, mineral production, and nuclear power are critical.”

“The United States has some of the greatest energy resources in the entire world. We should be utilizing these resources to create jobs, strengthen our national security, and lower prices for Central Valley residents,” said Rep. David Valadao (CA-22). “I support an all of the above energy plan, and I’m proud to join Chairman Newhouse to introduce this important resolution.”

“A little over two years ago, America wasn’t just energy independent - America was energy dominant. We gave Biden a blueprint for a clean, safe, efficient, and inexpensive energy and an economy that benefitted from it. He threw it in the garbage and Americans have paid for it though high electricity bills and price gouges at the fuel pump since.,” said Rep. Ryan Zinke (MT-01). “It is time to unleash the resources we have under our boots instead of relying on war criminals, terrorists, and Chinese Communists for key components of America’s infrastructure.” 

“An all of the above energy strategy for the United States is essential to ensure a clean, reliable, affordable, and secure energy future,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03). “As Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee Chairman, I am working to ensure we utilize an all of the above energy strategy to unleash domestic energy production. I support the ‘All of the Above Energy’ Resolution because this is the only way we will achieve American energy dominance.”

“Implementing an ‘All of the Above’ energy strategy will help keep the lights on, rates down, and emissions low for Hoosiers and all Americans,” said Dr. Larry Bucshon (IN-08). “This resolution underscores the critical importance of having a diverse energy mix to give Americans the most efficient, reliable, and affordable energy production.”

“The United States is rich with natural resources that can provide abundant energy and fuel our economy, and we should be pursuing all of them instead of subsidizing the special interests of Washington elites,” said Rep. Ron Estes (KS-04). “We know that American-produced hydrocarbons are clean and derived without human rights abuses, and American ingenuity has advanced nuclear, hydro, critical minerals and renewables. With such a robust assortment of safe and reliable energy options, federal policies should not box out specific industries but instead, adopt an 'all-of-the-above' strategy to achieve energy independence."

“From biofuels to natural gas, an all-of-the-above approach to our energy strategy is critical to a cleaner climate and American energy security,” said Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD-AL).

Original cosponsors of the legislation include: Reps. Amodei, Dusty Johnson, Obernolte, Fischbach, LaMalfa, Lesko, Valadao, Crawford, Zinke, Buschon, Moylan, Jackson, Fallon, Hageman, Barry Moore, Owens, Stauber, LaTurner, Adrian Smith, Mann, Miller-Meeks, Ellzey, Stewart, Lamborn, Carter, Issa, Estes, Duncan, Nehls, and Radewagen.

Click here for bill text.

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