Western Caucus Members Tour Southern Minnesota

  • Minnesota Field Tour

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier this week, the Western Caucus hosted a production agriculture field tour in Southern Minnesota, with five Western Caucus Members and congressional staff.

The field tour was hosted by Vice Chair Michelle Fischbach (MN-07), with participation from Vice Chairs Pete Stauber (MN-08) and Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01), as well as House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) and Rep. Brad Finstad (MN-01).

"The Western Caucus' effort to show Members of Congress and their staff all the different kinds of places that exist across this great country is wonderful and so important," said Vice Chair Michelle Fischbach (MN-07). "I was proud to bring Members out to Minnesota's 7th District to see the great things people are working on and also learn more about what rural communities need and the ways Congress can truly help the American people."

“Minnesota is one of the most important states when it comes to feeding our nation. I was proud to join Congresswoman Fischbach and my Western Caucus colleagues on an agricultural tour of Greater Minnesota and to attend Farmfest to see and hear first-hand from our farmers about the challenges they face as congress debates a Farm Bill,” said Vice Chair Pete Stauber (MN-08). “It is our duty to take their feedback to the halls of Congress, to advocate fiercely for policies that support sustainable practices, promote innovation, and ensure a level playing field for our farmers in the global marketplace.”

“It was an honor to join my colleagues on the Western Caucus for a tour of agricultural companies and family-owned farms in Rep. Fischbach’s district in Marshall and Rep. Finstad’s district in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Although in Iowa, we produce nearly one-third of the hogs raised in the U.S. and are a leading producer of soybeans, corn, and eggs, it is important to listen to the challenges Minnesota farmers face,” said Vice Chair Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01). “It is also encouraging to learn best practices and how they have overcome obstacles. Thank you to everyone who took the time to meet with us and share their stories.”

“It was great to tour Christensen Farms while in Minnesota,” said Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15). “Thank you to Western Caucus for hosting the event, elevating the voices of rural America, and highlighting the needs of our nation's producers ahead of the reauthorization of the Farm Bill.”

“Whether it’s pork, corn, soybeans, or sugar beets, Minnesota is one of the highest-ranking states for agriculture production,” said Rep. Brad Finstad (MN-01). “It was a pleasure to join this week’s Western Caucus field tour and showcase some of the industry leaders that we have here in our own backyard, as well as share with Members and staff the important role that southern Minnesota plays in our national ag economy.”

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