Chairman Newhouse Announces Staff Update

Washington, November 13, 2023 | Eli Mansour (202 510-8612)
Today, Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) released the following statement on a new staff appointment for the Congressional Western Caucus.
"I am pleased to welcome Taylor to the Western Caucus team as our new energy policy advisor," said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). "His experience will help us continue to advance the goals and priorities of rural America and ensure we're supporting our Members’ efforts to protect private property rights, expand resource development, and push back against the Biden Administration’s regulatory agenda.”

Taylor Tougaw, Policy Advisor
Taylor is originally from Colorado where he grew up on public lands learning how to fish, camp, backpack, and more. Prior to his time with Western Caucus, Taylor worked for Rep. Jim Banks and Rep. Doug Lamborn. Taylor received two undergraduate degrees from Colorado State University before going on to earn a Master’s degree from the University of Newcastle, UK. Taylor will be covering energy, mining, renewables, research and development, permitting, and public lands (BLM) for the Western Caucus. For those interested, Taylor also teaches kickboxing at the House Fitness Center on Mondays after work.

Click here to view the entire Congressional Western Caucus staff.

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