Cramer: House Safeguards Hunting and Fishing Activities From Undue Regulation

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced the House of Representatives passed a bill he cosponsored including key protections for hunting and fishing activities. The Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act would remove federal roadblocks preventing recreation on public lands and prevent future hurdles from being created.

Tipton: Vital Water Storage Projects Impeded by Federal Red Tape

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WASHINGTON D.C. —Today, in a House Natural Resources Water and Power Subcommittee hearing, Congressman Scott Tipton (R-CO) stressed that federal red tape is blocking needed water storage projects, impeding prudent supply management, and jeopardizing agriculture production, environmental protection and flood control.

Bishop: Why is U.S. Recovery Rate (2%) for Endangered Species So Low?

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WASHINGTON D.C.— Today, Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01) joined with fellow members of the Congressional Endangered Species Act (ESA) Working Group in releasing a report that examines the past and present effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act. The report also makes recommendations for improvements to the now 40-year old law.

Neugebauer Makes Recommendations for Much-Needed ESA Reform

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WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), a member of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Congressional Working Group, released the following statement after a press conference today presenting the Working Group’s final report and recommendations. The ESA Working Group has been charged with finding ways to boost the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act of 1988

Nunes: Emergency Water Legislation Scheduled for House Consideration

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WASHINGTON D.C. - Congressmen David Valadao, Devin Nunes, and Kevin McCarthy today praised Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor and Chairman Hastings for swiftly scheduling a floor debate on emergency legislation needed to address devastating water shortages in California. These shortages, which for several years have been primarily the result of failed government policies, have been compounded by a major drought and demand immediate action. The bill, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act (H.R. 3964), has been scheduled for debate next week in the full House.

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