EPA Announces the Creation of the Office of Mountains, Deserts, and Plains

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the creation of the Office of Mountains, Deserts, and Plains to be located in Lakewood, Colorado.   “Today is an important day for the future of the West as EPA is finally recognizing the important regional and geographical challenges we face. For too long, the EPA…

Bernhardt Signs Record of Decision to Begin Leasing Program in ANWR

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after Interior Secretary David Bernhardt signed a Record of Decision approving the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska.   “Today’s announcement by Secretary Bernhardt is another step towards American energy independence. Oil and gas development in ANWR…

What They Are Saying: Margaret Everson Named Acting Director of National Park Service

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after Margaret Everson was named Acting Director of the National Park Service.   “I congratulate Margaret Everson on becoming the new head of the National Park Service. National Parks have been one of the engines driving our nations return to normalcy and are essential to the economies of Western states. I look…

Critical Minerals Legislation Included in Senate COVID-19 Recovery Package

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after it was announced that the American Mineral Security Act would be included in the Senate COVID-19 relief package.   “Including the Murkowski/Manchin language addressing our critical mineral shortage in the next COVID response package will be a win for the American people and our national security. We…

What They Are Saying: Army Corps Publishes Pebble Mine EIS

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after the Army Corps of Engineers published the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Pebble Mine project in Alaska.  “Today's announcement by the Army Corps is a welcome one and is about fairness. The Pebble Mine should be given the same opportunity to go through the federal environmental review…

Forest Service Takes Important Step to Mitigate Wildfire Risk

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after the U.S. Forest Service issued its final rule to manage vegetation inside utility corridors.  “This year, fire season is already having a catastrophic effect across the West. As we see fire season after fire season, one of the many ways catastrophic wildfires can start is ignition from nearby utility…

Interior Delivers for Rural Communities

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Today, members of the Western Caucus released the following statements after the Department of the Interior announced the 2020 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) distributions. These distributions go to over 1,900 local governments around the country to help pay for essential public services.  “I welcome today’s announcement by the Department of the Interior. While not a perfect…

Western Caucus Members Spearhead Legislation to Protect U.S. Mineral Supply Chains

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Western Caucus Chairman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and Rep. Michael Waltz (FL-06) introduced the American Critical Mineral Exploration and Innovation Act of 2020. They were joined by Western Caucus Chair Emeritus and House Committee on Natural Resources Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (UT-01), House Committee on Space, Science, and Technology Ranking Republican Frank…

Go West, Young Man, Go West

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Members of the Senate and Congressional Western Caucus released the following statements applauding Interior Secretary David Bernhardt's decision to relocate the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to Grand Junction, Colorado.

Western Caucus Members Rebuke Passage of Reckless Spending Package

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Members of the Congressional Western Caucus released statements in response to House passage of H.R. 3055, legislation that attempts to fund the Commerce-Justice-Science, Agriculture-Rural Development-FDA, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-Veterans Affairs, and Transportation-Housing and Urban Development appropriations bills for fiscal year 2020

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