Western Caucus Condemns Court Decision to Shut Down Propane Pipeline in Wisconsin

  • Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, a federal judge ordered Enbridge to shut down its Line 5 pipeline within three years. The pipeline carries 540,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada through the Great Lakes region and is a major source of energy for rural Wisconsin.

“Once again, American energy security is being held hostage by radical environmentalist groups who would rather pursue their Green New Deal agenda than ensure Americans—especially those who live in rural communities—have access to reliable and affordable energy,” said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). “I'm disappointed by today's ruling and the precedent it sets for future energy development in our country.”

“Line 5 is not only vital to the over 250,000 Wisconsinites that rely on propane to heat their homes, but also to our state’s economy,” said Vice Chair Tom Tiffany (WI-07). “All of this could be resolved if the Department of Natural Resources approved the Line 5 relocation permit, but Governor Evers’ DNR has sat on their hands for over three years. Wisconsinites deserve better.

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