Western Caucus Members React to the Biden Administration’s Offshore Leasing Plan

Washington, September 29, 2023 | Eli Mansour (202 510-8612)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Western Caucus members released the following statements in response to the Biden Administration’s announcement of the smallest five-year offshore leasing plan in program history. The plan contains only three oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico during the five-year period, and none on the Alaskan OCS until at least 2030.
“The Biden Administration’s war on American energy continues, and no one should be surprised,” said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). “Instead of unlocking the full potential of oil and gas resources in America, this offshore plan will make us more reliant on foreign adversarial nations for our energy needs. We should be implementing policies to re-achieve American energy independence and security, support American jobs, and ensure an affordable and reliable energy supply for Americans. The Western Caucus will continue to advocate for American resource development and fight against the Biden Administration’s anti-energy crusade.”

“Today’s announcement is the most restrictive five-year plan in our history,” said House Majority Leader Steve Scalise. “Once again, President Biden has sided with the radical climate mob rather than with hardworking families who are already suffering from sky-high gas prices and his self-created inflation crisis. President Biden intentionally delayed this plan by over a year and has attempted to sabotage American energy at every turn since. It further jeopardizes our energy and national security and will only continue to embolden our enemies abroad as we - and our allies - are forced to become more reliant on hostile foreign nations for our energy. Sadly, this five-year plan offers too little, too late, and is an insult to the American people.”
“It's absolutely infuriating to see the administration's blatant favoritism in action this morning,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman. “The proposed final program, with three potential oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico is nothing short of a slap in the face to the American taxpayer. And for what? This plan will go down as one of the great blunders of the Biden administration. American consumers will pay the price for this administration’s decision to prioritize its offshore wind leasing program over the backbone of our energy sector. Congress must act to ensure the future of our offshore leasing program in the wake of this disastrous decision. Publishing this plan more than a year late while depleting our strategic energy reserves to make up for it is the type of lose-lose policymaking that's become the Biden administration's calling card. Families are struggling to keep gas in their tanks yet President Biden refuses to access the abundant energy resources in our own backyard. Republicans are delivering real solutions for the American people like the Lower Energy Costs Act while Biden wages war on domestic energy producers. American families pay the cost.”

“Right now we have record high gasoline and utility costs, and Americans can’t afford to make ends meet – this energy plan makes it even worse,” said Vice Chair Garret Graves (LA-06). “You really have to wonder how many times President Biden has to burn his hand on the stove before he stops making the same mistake. With growing oil and gas demand, it is baffling that the President of the United States would basically cede energy production to countries like Russia, China, Iran, and others. We could be producing oil and gas offshore in Louisiana while creating better jobs and attaining energy security, lower emissions, and more affordable prices. We will continue to fight for common sense.”
“Despite fuel prices being on the rise again, the Biden Administration continues to wage war on American energy production,” said Representative Jerry Carl (AL-01). “Once again, President Biden is out of touch with the American people. My Gulf Coast colleagues and I are fighting back against these attacks on oil and gas leasing because we need to unleash American energy.”

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