Western Caucus Members Celebrate Energy Week

Washington, March 22, 2024 | Eli Mansour (202 510-8612)
Tags: Energy
This week, the House of Representatives passed numerous bills sponsored by Congressional Western Caucus Members during ‘Energy Week.’
On Wednesday, the House passed two bills under the House Natural Resources Committee’s jurisdiction to increase American energy production: H.R. 1121, the Protecting American Energy Production Act, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC-03), and H.R. 6009, the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act, sponsored by Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO-03).
“It’s clear President Biden will not rest until he cuts off access to every single one of our natural resources, but House Republicans are not giving up the fight,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (AR-04). “This week we delivered wins for American families and workers as we passed solutions supporting domestic energy production and independence. This legislation will be critical in securing the future of hydraulic fracturing in the United States and ensuring the Biden administration cannot deal crushing blows to American communities and jobs by shutting down energy production on federal land. American energy production is among the safest and cleanest in the world, and it's absolutely ludicrous that President Biden continues to drive us into the arms of our adversaries instead of unlocking production and innovation right here at home. I’d especially like to thank Rep. Duncan and Rep. Boebert for their work on these bills, as well as Speaker Johnson and Majority Leader Scalise for their leadership in bringing these bills to the floor this week. I look forward to moving them through the legislative process.”
“I’m proud to have protected America’s ability to harvest our vast natural resources and convert them to power from Joe Biden’s hopes of ‘no more drilling,’” said Rep. Duncan. “H.R. 1121 is a commonsense measure that ensures no President has the unilateral power to shut down fracking. This legislation also makes it clear that no President should have the power to stop any of our domestic energy production—that power should reside with Congress and the States. Since day one, Biden has waged war on energy and pushed America to the precipice of an energy crisis. I’m proud of my work in Congress on behalf of all Americans to stop Biden’s work to make us reliant on adversaries for energy and to close reliable energy generation. I’m proud to lead House Republicans in unleashing an all-the-above energy policy that ensures America becomes energy independent.”
“The Restoring American Energy Dominance Act reins in Biden’s Green New Deal Agenda and unleashes onshore energy production,” said Rep. Boebert. “Rogue bureaucrats at the Bureau of Land Management have no business proposing this misguided rule that will ruin smaller producers’ ability to afford to operate in the market. Regulations like this proposed rule will increase energy costs and threaten American energy production, American jobs, and our national security. Rather than appeasing radical climate activists, the United States should be incentivizing American energy production and creating more good-paying jobs across the West and in Colorado. I’d like to thank Chairman Westerman for his leadership and for working with me to get H.R. 6009 passed through the House.”
On Thursday, the House passed: H. Res. 987, a resolution denouncing the Biden Administration’s anti-American energy policy sponsored by Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04); H. Con. Res. 86, a resolution condemning a domestic carbon tax sponsored by Western Caucus Vice Chair Ryan Zinke (MT-01); and H.R. 7023, Creating Confidence in Clean Water Permitting Act sponsored by Rep. David Rouzer (NC-07).
“President Biden’s energy policy has been a disaster for the American people, resulting in higher costs for consumers and less jobs for Rural America,” said Chairman Newhouse. “Whether its cancelling projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline, locking up oil rich lands in Alaska or mineral rich deposits in Minnesota, and pausing future LNG export terminal permits, the one consistency in President Biden’s policy has been that it hurts everyday Americans. The United States is blessed with an abundance of natural resources and has the capability to achieve energy dominance. Unfortunately, President Biden has chosen to enrich foreign adversaries like Russia, China, and Venezuela instead of American workers and communities. As Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus, I am dedicated to restoring prosperity to rural communities across the country which includes fighting against President Biden’s anti-American energy actions. I am proud to see my resolution pass with bipartisan support today.”
“Nobody produces energy more efficiently or cleaner than right here in the United States,” said Vice Chair Zinke. “When I was Secretary we had the biggest production year on record and it was also the best safety year and we lowered emissions. So, the answer is not to punish domestic energy producers or Montana farmers, manufacturers, and consumers, which is exactly what a carbon tax does. The answer is to allow the private sector to continually innovate to make energy more sustainable and efficient while lowering costs and improving safety. There’s no reason Montanans should be paying more because Biden is bowing to eco-green zealots and paying invoices to communists, terrorists and shady businessmen overseas to get what we have here at home.”
“I’m proud my legislation to create a predictable and responsible permitting system for American energy and infrastructure development passed the House this week,” said Rep. Rouzer. “This bill is much needed to keep projects on time and on budget — all while maintaining our nation's clean water infrastructure.  By improving the permitting process under the Clean Water Act, we can provide greater clarity for energy producers, farmers, builders, water utilities, and many others.  Just as significant, we can make America energy dominant on the world stage and lower costs for families.”
On Friday, the House passed H.R. 1023, Cutting Green Corruption and Taxes Act, sponsored by Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-06).

“The U.S. has been blessed with tremendous natural resources, which we’ve been able to harness as a result of free market principles and an entrepreneurial spirit that’s uniquely American," said House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (WA-05). "We’ve harnessed the power of nuclear energy, electrified millions of rural American’s homes with clean hydropower, and ushered in the Shale Revolution—which continues to create millions of new jobs, bring manufacturing back to the U.S., and revitalize communities across the country. As a result, America is more energy secure today than ever before. This legacy is under threat. Since day one, President Biden has been taking steps to shut down American energy. H.R. 1023 is an important step towards ending the President’s radical rush to green agenda.”
“I am proud of the work we accomplished this week to lower energy costs and secure American energy,” said Rep. Palmer. “In the Democrats’ misnamed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the EPA was able to create a $27 billion ‘Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.’ This is nothing more than a slush fund of taxpayer dollars that the Biden administration would use to fund the climate activists and politically aligned groups with no real impact on climate. The Green New Deal Slush Fund is another example of Democrat sponsored misguided spending. To make matters worse, the Democrats’ IRA also implemented a natural gas tax that would impact every aspect of everyday life and further increase energy costs for American families already struggling to make ends meet because of inflationary Democrat policies. I am very grateful for Rep. August Pfluger’s leadership in the effort to repeal this tax and am glad his work is included in this legislation. Thankfully, the House passed my bill to repeal these two costly and misguided energy policies implemented by the Democrats.”

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