Chairman Newhouse's Statement on SCOTUS Denial of Stay Request on EPA's Clean Power Plant 2.0 Rule

  • Coal Plant
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) released the following statement on the Supreme Court's decision to deny a stay request and allow the Biden-Harris Administration's Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) power plant greenhouse gas rule, known as the Clean Power Plant 2.0, to move forward.

“I am disappointed with the decision by the Supreme Court and trust that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will uphold the Constitution and strike down this illegal rule,” said Chairman Newhouse. “By forcing coal and gas-fired power plants to operate with technologies that are not yet commercially viable, the Biden-Harris administration is threatening the reliability of our power grid. Now more than ever, we should be unleashing American energy to reduce our reliance on foreign adversaries while reducing global emissions. As Chairman of the Western Caucus, I will continue to oppose regulatory burdens that will inflict harm on consumers and rural communities.”

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