Western Caucus Condemns BLM’s Proposed RMP On Oil And Gas Leasing In Colorado

  • Mountain 1

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Western Caucus Members released the following statements in response to a new, problematic resource management plan (RMP) proposed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that would remove more 1.6 million acres of public lands in Colorado from future oil and gas leasing, while also designating tens of thousands of acres of new protected areas in the western part of the state. This RMP would also establish nine "Areas of Critical Environmental Concern" (ACECs) on more than 100,000 acres of BLM lands.

“Today’s proposal from the BLM to remove leasing for oil and gas development in Colorado amidst record high energy prices will continue to exacerbate the economic burden this Administration has placed on hard-working families,” said Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04). “Time and again, the Biden Administration acts at the will of radical environmental groups who are determined to end resource development on public lands. The Western Caucus strongly opposes this proposal that will only push energy prices to new record highs.”

"The Biden administration has made its mission to be the destruction of affordable and reliable energy. This administration has said that the purpose of banning gas stoves is to help children with asthma, that the removal of helium from the critical minerals list is due to an overabundance, and now, that banning the use of 1.6 million acres of public lands in Colorado is to help wildlife. In reality, these efforts all support the administration’s efforts to slowly destroy the fossil fuel industry which every single American relies on every single day,” said Vice Chair Doug Lamborn (CO-05). “Colorado's elk herd is the largest in the nation and has increased from 40,000 elk in the early 1900's to 300,000 today. Colorado's mule deer population has grown by 40,000 since 2018, and Colorado’s population of antelope have grown from 5,000 in the 1940's to 85,000 today. Protecting the sage grouse is the supposed rationale behind the Biden administration’s drastic action, but this species has experienced a 24% increase in its Colorado population since 2019. All of this growth has occurred in tandem with oil and gas production. Colorado is the fourth largest producer of oil in the country, yet still finds a way to ensure a robust and healthy ecosystem. These numbers do not lie. By shutting down 1.6 million acres of land, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will spike the cost of energy for Americans across the country. I am a strong supporter of our wildlife and support reliable and affordable energy, but this BLM rule will hurt Americans who are financially scraping by while doing very little to conserve wildlife. This is yet another example of the Biden administration’s willingness to spread falsehoods in its quest to shut down fossil fuels."

“Biden’s Bureau of Land Management just announced two land grabs to kill responsible oil and gas leasing on Colorado’s West Slope. Locking up another 1.6 million acres at a time when gas prices are skyrocketing just shows how out of touch this administration is with rural America,” said Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO-03).“Families in the Third District depend on these jobs to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. I stand with Colorado’s roughnecks against this misguided overreach by federal bureaucrats that seeks to lockup our land and that will further increase pain at the pump.”

“The Biden Administration’s latest plan to bar new oil and gas leasing across roughly 1.6 million acres of Colorado land is an attack on America’s energy security,” said Rep. Ken Buck (CO-04). “Under this proposal nearly 600 oil wells will be slashed over the next 20 years, forcing us to rely on foreign adversaries for our energy supply. Oil and gas workers, many of whom reside in Colorado’s Fourth District, will also lose their livelihoods and face rising energy prices because of this shortsighted decision.”

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